Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Dreaded Synopsis

Now this article is specifically for How to Write a 1-Page Synopsis; as opposed to the type that typically would go on the back of the book. There is a difference and I will get to the second type soon. For now I am focusing on the specific type of synopsis meant to be sent to agents; the query letter. I did a post about those HERE, but this dives more into how to make a great synopsis.

Now normally I don't like posting text from the article in these posts; they are more designed for you to go over there and read. But this formula worked perfectly for me so I have to show y'all. She goes into examples of each using Star Wars as her 'book' so if you'd like more clarity on the steps below, just go to her post!



Fill in the Blanks

1. Opening image
An image/setting/concept that sets the stage for the story to come.
2. Protagonist Intro
Who is the main character? Give 1-2 descriptive words and say what he/she wants.
3. Inciting incident
What event/decision/change prompts the main character to take initial action.
4. Plot point 1
What is the first turning point? What action does the MC take or what decision does he/she make that changes the book’s direction? Once he/she crossed this line, there’s no going back.
5. Conflicts & character encounters
Now in a new life, the MC meets new people, experiences a new life, and meets the antagonist/villain.
6. Midpoint
What is the middle turning point? What happens that causes the MC to make a 180 degree change in direction/change in emotion/change in anything? Again, once he/she has crossed this line, there’s no going back.
7. Winning seems imminent, but…
What happens that makes the MC think he/she will win? She seems to have the upper hand, but then oh no! The antagonist defeats her and rushes off more powerful than ever before.
8. Black moment
The MC is lower than low, and he/she must fight through the blackness of his/her emotions to find the strength for the final battle. What happens here?
9. Climax
What happens in the final blow-out between the MC and the antagonist?
10. Resolution
Does everyone live happily ever after? Yes? No? What happens to tie up all the loose ends?
11. Final image
What is the final image you want to leave your reader with? Has the MC succumbed to his/her own demons or has he/she built a new life?

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